Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Inspiring People

Being told someone looks up to you for inspiration and a model for how they want their life to be is a huge compliment. Even when you think no one is around, someone is always watching. People are constantly looking at what you do and how you do it, especially as you get older. If it gets positive light, they'll follow you. They will want to be you. Because of this you have to be careful about what you do and say. If you're on the right path of life and you're not a troublesome child, you won't have much to worry about. 
Recently I was told by a little girl that I babysit for that she looks up to me and adores me. That feeling that I got when I heard those words sent my heart soaring. Not only was I flattered, but I also felt a sense of pride in myself for knowing that I am making a difference in a child's life, even if it's only one child. It doesn't have to be just little kids too, it could be anyone although it does tend to be someone younger than you because to them, you've had more experience in the world. 
Being a role model to kids can be hard work. You shouldn't feel the need to give into them whenever they want something just to keep their approval. If they get mad at you, don't worry it's not the end of the world. You would have to do something so bad that they have a paradigm shift in their mind about you for them to not idealize you. Here are a list of 5 characteristics and qualities that good role models should have. Qualities that were chosen by young teenage girls themselves. They have been proven very helpful in keeping my life on track to help make a difference in even more kids' lives. 
Word Count: 342

Baby Squared

Think of the biggest secret you have ever had to keep. Whether it be your own personal one that is buried within the deepest part of your heart, or your best friend's secret that you promised you wouldn't tell anyone. No matter the secret, times that by let's say one thousand, and that's how big of a secret this family had to keep for many agonizing months. Take a look.
This family, their last name was not given for obvious reasons, kept the secret of twins for around seven to eight months. They kept this secret from all their friends and families to give their loved ones an even bigger surprise when the big day came. And boy were they shocked! Or should I say girl? They're reactions make it even more priceless. No one besides the parents knew and people couldn't believe they had twin girls. My personal favorite is the one towards the end where they're taking a picture and the dad hands one of them the other twin saying "And don't forget about her twin sister." The mom's face in particular made my day. 
If I ever find out I'm having twins, this would definitely be something I'd try to do. However I, among many others, have a hard time keeping a secret, especially for nine months. What about yourself? Could you keep a big secret such as this one all to yourself for nine months? 
Word Count: 262

Are You the Person the Person You're Looking For is Looking For?

Have you ever found yourself sitting in math class, staring blankly out the window, and wondering what your future husband is doing right at that very minute. Many people believe that fait or destiny will bring their soul to them sometime within their life. Others believe that they are in charge of their own fait and have to go out and find their one true love. No matter what view you may have on the subject, have you ever thought about what kind of person you want the love of your life to be? Or what kind of person your soul mate is looking for?  
The person that you would consider to be your soul mate has certain personality and characteristic traits that are important to you, otherwise you wouldn't consider them to be that one special person. These traits can be your morals, such as good judgement and honesty. They can be practical traits, such as good with kids and get along with your family. They can be professional traits, such as integrity or time management. They can even be personality traits, such as out going and humorous. No matter the trait, these qualities are important to you and you wouldn't chose a person who doesn't meet these qualities or standards.  
Now that you know what you want in a one true love, think about what the other person wants. If you guys are truly meant to be together, you would have similar views on this subject. Meaning the majority of the things you're looking for are similar if not the exact same as the other person's standards. Are you the person the person you're looking for is looking for? Do you possess all the traits and qualities you're looking for in your other half? If yes, then great! You're right on track. However if you answered no to either of those questions, then you have some reevaluating to do.  
You need to make sure you're holding up your end of the bargain. If you have some things to sort out, it's better to do them now while you're single then it is to figure it out when you have a husband, three kids, and a dog. Get rid of all that extra baggage that you've been holding on to, such as bad relationships. If you have someone in your life that's holding you back, cut them lose. If they're truly your friend, they wouldn’t be causing issues in your life. If you want a soul mate who is on the right path of life, meaning isn't an alcoholic and porn addict, then don't do it yourself! The person you're meant to be with won't be looking for you because they've already decided they don't want someone with all that baggage. 
If you've ever seen "How I Met Your Mother," Ted knows what he's talking about. He's been waiting for that one special girl and while he's searching, he's constantly trying to make himself a better person that his other half will want. if you haven't seen this show, come out from the rock you live under and check it out. However be fair warned, this is a spoiler alert and if you wish not to know the ending, please do not press the link! 
Word Count: 601