on the school you attend, school food may or may not be your best option for
lunch. At most high schools now a days, upper classmen can leave campus for
lunch, which is always nice. However, not the most affordable. Unless you’re
parents are super rich, you’ll most likely not have a big enough budget to
support going out to eat every day. I’m not saying school food is not healthy
or not good, however I am saying that everyone has different taste buds and may
not like the choices offered at school; especially at a public school. Bringing
your own lunch may seem a little dorky at first, because according to some
people, taking your own lunch after elementary school is uncool. Once you reach
high school however, no one seems to care anymore.
advantage of packing your own lunch is that you get to decide what you eat. At
school there are multiple choices to choose from, but I can guarantee there are
twice as many options at home; unless your mom hasn't gone to the grocery store
in a while. There are healthier options too. School lunch is all funded by the
state and they like to save money as much as possible. So they pick the
cheapest kind of good to serve students. Cheap is not always the healthy. The
majority of school’s food is processed, however thanks to Michelle Obama,
schools are looking into getting more fruits and veggies in cafeteria that aren't ridiculously expensive. With packing your own lunch, you can decided how
much processed food goes into your body. You are the one packing the lunch, so
you decide. Also thanks to Michelle Obama, many schools have now gotten rid of
desserts in the lunch line. This has caused a little bit of an uprising in
students all across the country. Kids love sugar and schools have taken away
the one and only unhealthy option kids have. If you chose to not eat school
lunch, you can add a little something extra like a cookie or cupcake that will
most definitely make your friends jealous.
advantage of a lunch from home is that you don’t have to wait in a long line to
get your food. Most high schools only give their students a half an hour to eat
lunch. If a kid is spending twenty minutes in line, that leaves ten minutes to
eat; which is not enough time. Lunch is a time for kids to unwind in between
classes. A time for them to socialize with their friends. A time for them to
take a break from learning. This way, when they get back to class they’re
focused and ready to learn.
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