Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Women's Store

In many states, women are paid less for doing the same exact job as a man. Apparently in the business world, men haven't gotten it through their little brains that women are not below them. Girls wonder why guys are stuck up sometimes, well it's because they can't get off their high horse sometimes. When someone classifies themselves as a feminist, they are not saying women should be put higher up in status than men. They're not saying women should have more power than men. And they are certainly not saying women are better than men. We are saying we deserve the same rights as men because we are all EQUAL. This includes how much a person gets paid for doing the same job as the opposite sex. 
In Pennsylvania, women get paid seventy five cents for every dollar then men make. This is just a state rule, meaning the federal government doesn't have a say. Yes states are and should be allowed to make their own minimum wage laws and so on, however, they should at least be equal for everyone and not based solely on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. That is borderline discrimination however the federal government can't do anything about it because it doesn't actually go against the civil rights act or the Women’s Suffrage Act. Not to mention it would be taking away the state's right to make wage laws of their own. 
A Pennsylvania native by the name of Elana Schneckler didn't like this law, so she did something about it that would get the attention it needed without making a big scene. Here's an article that explains more as to what she did to show the government you can't mess with us girls. 
The fact that she had the courage to go up against society and social norms is just inspiring. It also helps that society isn't shooting her ideas down; on the contrary, they're actually helping her by giving their approval. More people, men included, have looked through the windows of this cute little Pennsylvanian shop and agree with her statement of women deserve the same pay. This just proves you don't have to fight with actions, nor with harsh words, to get your point across.  
Word Count: 406

Social Media: Yah or Nah?

With all this technology nowadays, social media is a common word you here in everyday kind of conversations. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, so many people are obsessed with these sites and people of the older generation don't always understand why. However this is very much understandable. The social media generation is now, not thirty years ago when the computer was first being invented. These older generations didn't grow up with iPhones and Tablets that allowed you to get information from the world wide web right in the palm of your hand. However there is a lot of controversy about these websites. Are they really helping our society? Or are they just shaping society into something that is harming the human mind? 
I personally do not have a Twitter because I don't get the point of it. Not only that, but with Twitter there's always drama that follows. That's all Twitter is really. Someone aid something bad about someone's girlfriend and her boyfriend has to defend her, only to find out she doesn't want his help. In the end, all you get is a big mess of people who are mad at each other. However on the other hand, Twitter isn't all bad. You can chose to follow whomever you please, so you don't have to follow those drama filled people. Plus, Twitter can be a fun way to show school spirit. I know my school, along with many others, have a Twitter account where they tweet at certain people who've earned big accomplishments, hold contests, etc. 
Facebook was created back in 2004 and some people consider this to be an outdated social media site. MySpace is outdated, Facebook is not. Many people still use Facebook to this day, yours truly included. To me, Facebook is a way to connect with friends and family that I don't see on a regular basis, such as the foreign exchange students for example. I can see what they're up to, see fun family vacation photos, and basically know what's going on in their life.  
I had an Instagram for three or four days when it first came out and I got super bored, so I don't use it anymore. However that was almost three years ago now and a lot has changed on this super boring social media site. Instagram is very similar to Facebook in a sense that you can connect to friends and family from around the world. However society has taken control of Instagram in the same way that it's taken over Twitter. There's not only drama, but also the stereotypical "White Girl Status." For those of you who don't know what that is, a "White Girl Status" is when someone posts a selfie of themselves wearing Ugg boots, "Pink" yoga pants, a low cut shirt, and a Starbucks cup in their hand to Instagram. There are many different types of stereotypes out there that describe this "White Girl Status" and I came upon a video posted on YouTube about this topic, take a look. She is describing how to be a "White Girl" and some of the things she says just makes me cringe because I cannot stand how society has influenced her to be this way at such a young age. Instagram is just one of the ways this girl has been taught to look, think, and act. I don't know about you, but I do not want my kids growing up in a society where this is ok. 
Word Count: 583

Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Somewhere in Between?

A very hot topic in today's society is that of abortion. Whether or not it's an act of murder or it's an act of exercising your free will and right to your own body. When you hear the word "abortion," what do you think of? Pro-life and Pro-choice, right? See, this argument has many flaws and what I'm about to talk about is just one of them. 

The abortion debate is guilty of committing the logical fallacy of either or reasoning. Either or reasoning is when an argument is said to have one of two solutions. In this case it's Pro-life and Pro-choice. When you're asked in a questionnaire, which side do you associate yourself with, you are given two choices. No in between or somewhere in the middle. When asked in an interview which side they would chose, most Americans didn't have a clear view on the matter. Here is a short film that explains this more clearly. 

My personal view is somewhere in the middle, just like many other Americans. I don't believe men sitting on Capital Hill should have the right to tell women in bad situations what they can and cannot do when it comes to their own personal body. In this way I am Pro-choice. It's the women's choice because it's her own body and men shouldn't have a say in what laws are passed when it comes to abortion because it barely effects them compared to the mother of that child. However I will say the father has every right to know and try to talk the girl out of it if that is what he wishes, but in the end it's her own choice, not his. On the other hand, I am a Christian and don't believe in killing an innocent human being. So therefore I could never go through the act of abortion myself and this is my Pro-life side of the dilemma This is just my view. I am not forcing this upon anyone. 
Word Count: 362