Friday, January 16, 2015

My Review of "The View"

Everyday at ten o'clock on ABC, the feminist ladies of The View discuss hot topics of today's society. The View features Rosie O'Donnell, Nicolle Wallace, Rosie Perez, and the very popular Whoopi Goldberg. These ladies are of all ages, backgrounds, shapes and sizes, sexual orientations, etc. The topics they discuss range from current events of today's world to fashion tips for all generations. They also discuss topics that many people don't want to talk about, such as the problem of women being harassed or teenage girls' self-esteem issues. Many people, particularly men, refuse to watch this specific talk show because it's considered feminine and girly. Which is true in some aspects but not entirely true in others. If you've never seen the show, click here to view one of their hot topics. 
Seeing as these women are all different in what they believe in and what they look like, you get all sorts of views on the topics they discuss. Whoopi leans towards the older generation and is not toothpick thin. Rosie O. is not toothpick thin either, but she is also gay. Nicolle is very conservative and has very strong views that relate directly to that. Rosie P. gives more of an ethnic vibe to the show because she is Puerto Rican. These ladies have views and opinions about everything, and that's what makes this show so popular, especially among women. Not only because they talk about all the hot gossip and new trends, but also all the different styles they bring to the table. 
The View is considered a very feministic kind of show and it's irritating to know that not only men, but some women as well, judge the show by what they hear on the streets. If you haven't seen the show, don't judge it. Every episode brings news topics that need to be discussed whether society is ready to talk about them or not. They bring up topics that most shows would refrain from even mentioning because they don't want to offend anyone. The hosts of The View talk about real issues in today's world, and not the simple celebrity gossip.  
These women are not afraid to be who they are. These women are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in and state their own opinion. These women are not afraid of being shut down by men for having a different view on the matter. Personally, I look up to these women because they are speaking out for all those ladies in society that feel as if they do not have a voice.  
All men are welcomes to watch this show. Just because a human of the male species likes to listen to different ladies' opinion on issues in the world is not a bad thing. It just makes them culturally diverse. Women's culture is similar but also different from men's. Feminism is not a bad word but many people, both male and female alike, believe it is. I am inspired by these four ladies who get to call this their job.  
Word Count: 512

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Trivia Crack

Fads and trends fade in and out of style very quickly in today's society, especially trends involving the youth. One new trend that has been taking the high school and even the work force by storm is a little brain game called Trivia Crack. Kids are addicted to this game hands down. Anyone with a mobile device with internet has this new game that tests your knowledge about the world. However, is this game a good or bad trend? Is it hurting or helping the youth of today? These are the questions that need to be addressed when considering which trends fade or stick around.
The game Trivia Crack is a mobile app that asks you a series of questions based on the categories of Art, Entertainment, Sports, History, Science, and Geography. These questions can rage from "Who was the first king of Rome, according the Roman traditions?" to "What was the address Dori was looking for in the movie Finding Nemo?" Some are more challenging than others but there's a spinner that determines the category so you never know what you're going to get. Thankfully it's multiple choice so you have a one in four chance of getting the right answer if you guess. It's not just about answering questions however, you can challenge someone to a game and the ultimate goal of the game is to win characters by answering the questions correctly. You can also steal characters you still need from people you play if you win.
If you live under a rock you may not know what I'm talking about, here's a picture to help you because I guarantee you've seen it before. Many people take this game very seriously and get pretty intense when it comes to characters and who they play. I've even seen teachers spend the whole class period helping a kid win in Trivia Crack instead of teaching. On the other hand, I've also seen teachers threaten to take phones away for the whole day if the kids refuse to put away that addictive game during class. It's very distracting to kids during school and many schools have thought about banning that game all together.
Addictive as it may be, it also has a lot of learning opportunities as well. Kids are getting involved in different aspects of the world and learning about different cultures. Kids are also learning little facts they might not have ever learned in a classroom. Whoever invented this game was a genius because they found a way for kids to have fun while still learning about things going on in the world. Plus a little competition reinforces the learning because every kid wants to come out on top.
Word Count: 451

Monday, January 12, 2015

Boys Are Not Everything

Every high school girl knows someone who's obsessed with boys; whether it be themselves or their best friends. Teenage girls' lives revolve around their social media, friends, and boys; all these elements intertwine in some way that makes up their dramatic lives. All of this could eventually lead to an obsession that is very unhealthy for a teenage girl.
Teenage girls naturally want to feel loved and like they belong somewhere. This is why girls are constantly on the prowl for a boyfriend. They want to feel as if they're wanted. They see all these cute celebrity couples in magazines and on TV and want to be them. They want what they have. All this talk of cute relationships can lead some ladies into an obsession. They want it so desperately that they will do anything in their power to get it. If that means lying to their friends and family, then so be it. This kind of obsession can blind a girl from what she truly wants. It can also prevent her from knowing right from wrong and interfere with her better judgment. She becomes so wrapped up in boy world that she forgets what's going on around her. Most girls go through a phase similar to this one. If you don't come out of this phase, then it's become an obsession.
If you or a friend is guilty of being a little boy crazed, here are some signs. Constantly talking about boys, you can't seem to concentrate on anything besides boys or what boy likes you, you go out of your way to see a boy, or even if you blow your friends off for something remotely related to a guy. There are many more signs, but these are just a list of the most prominent ones you'll see.
If you know of someone with these symptoms, try to confront them because they probably have no idea they have a problem. If this is you and someone's trying to help you change your ways, let them. Don't shut them out, saying they don't know what they're talking about. All they're trying to do is help because that's what friends are for. Being boy crazy is a serious problem and should be addressed as soon as possible. The longer you're under a boy's spell, the more at risk of getting hurt you are. Plus boys will come and go, but beat friends will be there for you through everything no matter what. For more signs, follow this link.
There are multiple ways to get over a boy crazy obsession. Try hanging out with only your girl friends for awhile. It's ok if some of those close friends are boys, but don't focus all your attention on boys that you would want to date someday. Delete all those all texts from previous boys that you were obsessed with. Try to rid yourself of everything boyfriend related. If you can't part with some old pictures or stuffed animals from an old boyfriend, put them away. Don't throw out everything because some things are great keep sakes to remind you of those good old times, once your done with the whole obsession thing of course.
Word Count: 528