Saturday, October 18, 2014

Things to Carry in Your Purse

Most girls can’t to go anywhere without a purse of some sort. Boys don’t seem to realize how important it is for girls to have a bag that’s filled with very important things. However, boys do have a point when they say girls don’t need to carry around five pounds of makeup. Here are the most essential things a girl should have in her purse when going out.
            If you’re a girl who has long hair, you know how it is when it just doesn’t want to stay. Or if you’re one of those girls with baby hairs that seem to never want to lay flat, bobby pins seem to be your best friend. Carrying a little baggy or even a few stuffed in your wallet isn’t a bad idea. Whether you’re trying to hold back your bangs or even picking a lock, you never know when they’ll come in handy.
            Teenagers are notorious for their acne prone skin. If you apply a dab of concealer on a pimple while still at home, it’ll look great in your bathroom mirror but not so much an hour later. Packing a tube of concealer would prove to be helpful when you excuse yourself to the ladies room and notice the redness is back.
            You would be surprised at how often cash comes in handy. Whether it be treating yourself to an ice cream cone or to pay the meter. It's always a good idea to have a couple bucks on you, although it’s unnecessary to carry more than $50, unless you're going on a shopping spree of some sort.
            Especially in the winter, girls tend to have really chapped lips. You could easily prevent this from happening if you applied Chap Stick to their lips ever couple of hours. The same goes for your hands. Carrying around a small bottle of hand lotion doesn't hurt either. Trust me, both your lips and hands will thank you.
            Girls are more susceptible to migraines and for most girls, Advil does the trick. If you know you’re going to be gone awhile, pack Advil so that migraine doesn't get even bigger by the time you get home.
            Girls need to be careful when it comes to going places alone. Having a defense mechanism hidden in your purse can easy save your life. Pepper spray is small and can fit nicely in a purse of any size. This way you have a way to defend yourself of you're ever attacked.
            Once you smell the delicious aroma of fried food in the food court, your tummy is bound to growl at least a little bit. Having a snack such as a granola bar or fruit snacks stored in your bag will hold you over until you get home. This way you're not spending all your money on unhealthy food.
            Ladies, you know Mother Nature loves surprising you unexpectedly. No girl should ever be stuck in a bathroom stall in a public place all because they weren't prepared for it. Keeping a spared pad or tampon in your bag will prevent those awkward and uncomfortable situations.

            Having all the right necessaries with you while you’re out and about is very important, especially because girls are known for being prepared for any situation. You may never know when the simplest things can come in handy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bullying Really Can Hurt

High school can be tough for many girls; especially when it comes to your social status. If you’re not “cool” enough, the popular girls won’t invite you to sit with them at their lunch table. Who decides who’s cool and who’s not? Certainly not those cliquey preppy girls. In middle school, bullying took the form of being shoved in the hallway or stealing someone’s gym clothes. High school is a whole other jungle or dirty words and nasty comments. With today’s technology of social media, girls have the whole wide world of bullying within their Channel Red painted fingers nails.
You may not be able to tell from the outside, but a girl’s soul is full of her deepest and darkest secrets. You don’t know if she’s dealing with bullying or not from just glancing at her in the hallway. Girls are more susceptible to cyber-bullying because girl’s fight with words while boys fight with fists. Old fashion female bullying consisted of saying something bad about another girl behind their back, or even to their face. Now they can hide behind a username on Facebook or Twitter. It’s easier for them to get away with bullying because you can’t always prove it’s them. Many girls don’t think they’re bullying when they text each other mean comments about that awkward girl in their history class. Words can hurt people more than spoken words because of the long lasting effect they have. She doesn't have to hear it just once, but that poor girl you made fun of can keep coming back to read and reread what was said about her.
Looking at a girl, you may not be able to tell what’s going on in their life; however, there are those cases where it’s obvious she’s getting bullied. If people refuse to be around her because of the way she acts or dresses is a big warning sign that she’s getting bullied. No girl deserves that. If you see someone sitting by themselves at lunch, whether it be a girl or guy, go sit with them. It just might make their day to have company while eating lunch. And who knows, you may actually enjoy the company too.
Word Count: 367