A very hot topic in today's society is that of abortion. Whether or not it's an act of murder or it's an act of exercising your free will and right to your own body. When you hear the word "abortion," what do you think of? Pro-life and Pro-choice, right? See, this argument has many flaws and what I'm about to talk about is just one of them.
The abortion debate is guilty of committing the logical fallacy of either or reasoning. Either or reasoning is when an argument is said to have one of two solutions. In this case it's Pro-life and Pro-choice. When you're asked in a questionnaire, which side do you associate yourself with, you are given two choices. No in between or somewhere in the middle. When asked in an interview which side they would chose, most Americans didn't have a clear view on the matter. Here is a short film that explains this more clearly.
My personal view is somewhere in the middle, just like many other Americans. I don't believe men sitting on Capital Hill should have the right to tell women in bad situations what they can and cannot do when it comes to their own personal body. In this way I am Pro-choice. It's the women's choice because it's her own body and men shouldn't have a say in what laws are passed when it comes to abortion because it barely effects them compared to the mother of that child. However I will say the father has every right to know and try to talk the girl out of it if that is what he wishes, but in the end it's her own choice, not his. On the other hand, I am a Christian and don't believe in killing an innocent human being. So therefore I could never go through the act of abortion myself and this is my Pro-life side of the dilemma This is just my view. I am not forcing this upon anyone.
Word Count: 362
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