Every teenage girl dreams of her father giving her her very own credit card. It's like a never ending pile of money that doesn't run out. Not! Most teenagers, girls and boys alike, don't understand the concept of credit cards. Plus not to mention many students don't know the importance of a credit card, which is something that will help them later on in life.
Credit cards are not just piles of endless money, they usually have a limit you're allowed to spend on them. So don't get too crazy ladies! At the end of the month you have to pay all that money back, so it's not endless or free money either. At the end of each month you will receive a bill in the mail of not only your purchases but taxes and interest is added on as well. You must pay the credit card company back in a certain amount of time in order to keep a good credit score. Just because your parents give you a credit card, doesn't mean it's for you to go shopping and buy a lot of new stuff. Credit cards for high school students is smart thing to do because building up credit at a younger age is important. However don't go overboard on your purchases. Some common purchases would be using your credit card for only gas. The more money you spend and pay back on time at the end of the month, the better your credit score. The better your credit score, the more likely you are at getting a loan with less interest. The whole process and ways of reading your credit score can be quite complicated and can be better explained by a professional from Wells Fargo Bank and Trust because they know what they're talking about.
Having a credit card is a sign that you're mature enough to handle something such as this. With great power comes great responsibility. If you screw up with your credit card it could potentially screw over your whole finical future. Be a careful spender and know how much is enough.
Word Count: 374
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